My Two Pence of Change

So we are hearing a lot about change these days .. I decided to contribute some to this global change we are witnessing ..
Two Pence of Change
Two Pence of Change


So instead of becoming another Abdullah deewana in begaani shadi, better start something constructive ..
And no .. This doenst mean you start creating another strip like I did .. Though I wont call this a start .. I dunno if I’d really post more strips .. I cant draw .. and copy pasting in IrfanView and Paint is a nightmare ..

4 thoughts on “My Two Pence of Change”

  1. hi, suddenly nind se jaage kya?

    i have been sending you messages on msn but not getting any replies.

    whats happening on your side? seems you are enjoying the sbi job. dont have any plans to go private sector?

    take care and be in touch.

  2. Кругом война, смерть, глупость, а вы тут… сами знаете, чем занимаетесь.

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