Yahoo and Microsoft to Merge Instant Messengers ..!!

I just read this exciting news that Yahoo and Microsoft are announcing an interoperability deal .. Ths will enable the users to communicate with each other … Ooh .. I was going to write about it in the second part of my Instant messeging article …

Yahoo and Microsoft will now command upwards of 44 percent of the market, according to research firm Radicati Group, putting new pressure on market leader AOL, which holds around 56 percent market share with AIM and ICQ. And according to recent comScore Media Metrix numbers, MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger together reach 33.5 million unique users each month, more than the 23 million running AIM.

It is not clear though that will they announce a new multiprotocol client or just connect their network .. I hope they wont go ahead and kill rivals this fashion.. When they are opening up, they should make it an open protocol like Xmpp . .. Although I see no reason to believe that they will encourage more IM service to join them .. I think this move is more in defence to Google Talk .. Anyways .. Lets see what happens ..
I hope that good features from both the client will add up and bad features will be minimized ..

The link to the story is here

14 thoughts on “Yahoo and Microsoft to Merge Instant Messengers ..!!”

  1. Hmm.. They have announced the proposal .. :

    Starting in the second quarter of 2006, customers of both services will be able to see their friends’ online presence, share emoticons, and add new contacts from either Yahoo! Messenger or MSN Messenger to their buddy list.

    So they arent announcing an integrated Messenger …
    Lol I saw most people feared that Yahoo will be taken over by Microsoft now .. Hhaha .. I dont understand why they feel Microsoft as such parasite .. 😀

  2. I am definitely among those “most people”.MS is known to play it bad.They love to act as the big boss and i doubt if they would allow anyone else to dominate.
    So I was afraid that if they went for an integrated client then it would be more of MSN than Ym.

    So it is good that the clients would remain seperate.

  3. Hi Neatie ..!! I am just as fine .. What about you .. 🙂 .. Nice to see you here .. :)..

    Btw.. Yahoo and Microsoft have issued a press statement marking the agreement..

    Wooo .. I just cant wait for it ..:P

  4. well, Google had been out attacking Microsoft from every possible angle. It’s a welcome step by Microsoft and Yahoo, atleast for me.

  5. man I just need to see a good IM client to use Google id. G Talk is the crapiest software ever by google. And don`t have Trillian Pro for Jabber 🙁 .

  6. it’s hard to send any free of charge message anywhere because I have no idea how.

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